Brought to you by SEAS Productions

Join us for the first ever 2024 LEAP Conference as we bring together some of the most knowledgeable industry professionals in Live Event & Production Leadership. This is your professional opportunity to “LEAP forward!”


Event Overview

Step into the world of cutting-edge audio-visual production at the 2024 LEAP Strategies Conference—an immersive conference designed for live event industry professionals, enthusiasts, and innovators. This in-person live event is a celebration of the convergence of technology and creativity, offering a unique platform to explore the latest trends, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful connections within the realm of AV production & event leadership.



February 29, 2024

12:30 PM – 4:30 PM




12:30 PM -1:00 PM Networking

1:00 PM – 2:15 PM Live Event Stage Management Presentation with Troy J. Peters, CTS

2:15 PM – 2:30 PM Break

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM The Emotionally Strong Leader Presentation with Carolyn Stern

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Networking and Happy Hour



Free for ILEA, PCMA, MPI, and Oceanside Chamber of Commerce Members 



SEAS Productions

2664 Vista Pacific Dr., Oceanside, CA 92056

Featured Speaker

Carolyn Stern is the President and CEO of EI Experience—an executive leadership development and emotional intelligence training firm. She is a certified Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Development Expert, professional speaker, award-winning author, and university professor.


Since launching her book, The Emotionally Strong Leader: An Inside-Out Journey to Transformational Leadership, Carolyn has quickly gained acclaim following her appearances on The Social, CTV Your Morning, Daytime Chicago, and Global TV. 

 Keynote: The Emotionally Strong Leader with Carolyn Stern



Addressing the feelings of others in the workplace can be a terrifying proposition. For many leaders, asking what lies behind the actions and reactions of their people is akin to opening Pandora’s box. They don’t want to find out what’s lurking inside. Many managers don’t know how to deal with- and they fear- their employees’ emotions.

Leaders of these organizations have good reason to be scared. After all, few of us know how to handle emotions (let alone handle them at work). Many of us have not learned how to tend to our feelings and those of others. So isn’t it better to sweep all those pesky emotions under the rug and carry on as if they don’t exist? The answer is an unequivocal no!

Instead of spending time and money on dealing with the inappropriate behaviours and disrespectful communications stemming from emotional issues in your workplace, you can get to the heart of those issues and deal with your feelings and the feelings of your people head-on.

In this session, you will learn the emotional skills and mental strategies needed to be stronger and more intelligent than your feelings and help others learn to explore their emotions. Emotions should not be feared but celebrated. A wealth of amazing possibilities are available if we learn to harness the superpower of our emotions.


Learning Objectives

  • Discover the systemic problems with ignoring emotions in the workplace.
  • Learn why emotions matter and reduce the fear of tending to them at work.
  • Identify the emotional skills and mental strategies to be stronger than your feelings.
  • Gain a deeper awareness of your emotional makeup and how that helps and hurts your leadership effectiveness.

CMP/CMM Renewal Units: 1.00 (EIC Approval Pending)



SEAS In-House Speaker

Troy has a rich background in motion picture production, association show management, and technology integration. Starting with major studios like 20th Century Fox and Disney, he later joined the Society for Optics & Photonics, managing events of various sizes across North America and Europe. Certified as a Technology Specialist with AVIXA in 2010, Troy combines technology and storytelling for immersive client experiences.

A sought-after speaker, board member, and mentor, he currently serves as the Chief Experience Officer at SEAS Productions, leading the company to embrace change and integrate marketing and client relations. Beyond work, Troy enjoys golf, reading, travel, cooking, and adventures with his wife and twins.

Showcalling & Live Event Stage Direction with Troy J. Peters, CTS


Whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid, the show caller or stage manager is responsible for directing an audio-visual multimedia experience that can have dozens or even hundreds of moving parts. From managing the onstage talent to the technical know-how, you’ll learn how to engage in the best possible way with your onsite AV Team from the engineers, show producers, stage managers, and even the audience, to design and execute the perfect experiential live event.

This session will use real and relevant examples from recent events including presidential inaugurations, major televised sporting events, as well as more intimate, but highly produced audience experiences. By working together, we will talk through how to build a show flow, anticipate challenges, manage timelines, and learn how to bring together your team behind the scenes. This is the perfect session for a seasoned event manager or team lead looking to better understand or even take on some stage management responsibilities, or someone interested in production and looking for a path to design and direct their own events.


Learning Objectives 

  • Upon completion, attendees will define the THREE types of equipment and operation going into any production. Source management, processing, and output. 
  • As meeting planners and production leads, we need to keep focused on TWO things… communication and timing. Through demonstration and group discussion we’ll build a show flow and line up all the deliverables.
  • The ONE mission critical piece of the live project is having active redundancies in place and ready to go. Hot backups and rehearsed “what-ifs” mean you’ll be set up for success, even when challenges arise.

CMP/CMM Renewal Units: 1.5 (EIC Approval Pending)

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