With record-level turnover rates triggered by the pandemic, employers are left scrambling to find ways to keep their employees. The number of employees projected to leave their job in the month of December 2021 is 3.3 million, and that number is only expected to grow in the coming months. So why exactly are employees leaving?

Well, according to the Workforce Institute 2021 Engagement and Retention Report, 46% of employees are leaving simply because they don’t feel connected to their company. Finding time to connect with your employees can be difficult for numerous reasons. Luckily, with the holiday season approaching, it is the perfect time to do just that!

Throwing an office holiday party can be a great way to re-establish a connection with your company’s team and much more!


Let’s dive in!


1. Holiday Office Parties are a Great Way to Showcase Your Company Culture

Having a holiday party is a great way to represent your company culture in a positive light and remind employees why they chose to work for your company. We work hard year round- having a day dedicated to fun and socializing can be all you need to make your employees feel valued.

2. Holiday Office Parties Provide Time to Reflect and Find Areas of Improvement For the Following Year

Work is busy enough- we don’t usually have time to sit down with the entire office to talk about what works and what doesn’t, or discuss our challenges and successes. Having time to reflect can bring about positive change for the following year and even motivate employees to be the best they can be!

3. Holiday Office Parties are a Time for Employees to Meet and Socialize with Coworkers Who They’ve Never Had the Chance to Meet Before

Is your company hybrid or remote? Many companies transitioned after the peak of the pandemic, allowing for safer working environments for their employees. Safer- yes, except now, we have offices with employees that are virtually strangers. Having a holiday party can be an easy way- and maybe the only way- for employees to meet one another to form a connection.

4. Holiday Parties Provide an Opportunity for Interact with Executives/Upper Management

If you are a bigger company, you probably don’t know everyone in the office. Most employees probably don’t get one-on-one time with upper management or executives either. Having a holiday party can be a chance for employees to get this opportunity, without the pressure of being at work. 

5. Holiday Office Parties Are an Opportunity for Employee Recognition

We have all been there- we put our blood, sweat and tears into a project and it seems our effort is overlooked. This can be painful, especially if it is a recurring process. In fact, almost 20% of employees said they would stay at their current job if their employer recognized their efforts. An office holiday party can be the perfect opportunity to recognize your team, or even individual successes! 


So This Holiday Season, Give Back to Your Employees and Celebrate Another Year of Success!

Need help with your event?

SEAS Productions has a full service venue complete with multiple stages, a bar, and room for up to 500 attendees. Whether your event is in-person, virtual or hybrid we’ve got you covered!

Need more information? Give us a call 844.SEAS.PRO or email [email protected]













